Edited and introduction by Roberto de Mattei
Among the preparatory schemes for the Second Vatican Council approved by John XXIII in July 1962 and sent to all the Council Fathers, there was also a Dogmatic Constitution Scheme on chastity, marriage, family, virginity, which was rejected and rewritten. according to the thesis of progressive theology.
The pastoral constitution Guadium et Spes he dealt with the theme of the family only in paragraphs 47-52, which in the post-conciliar years were interpreted in a sense different from traditional morality.
Many of the issues already discussed at the time have come to the fore in recent times. The 2014 Synod of Bishops on the family, referring to the Second Vatican Council, at least partially accepted the thesis of Cardinal Walter Kasper, according to which the sexual morality of the Church should be updated, because between the doctrine and the lived convictions of Christians there is a abysmal distance. But if we talk about Vatican II, we cannot forget the original text on the family, suddenly abandoned.
The scheme that we publish in its entirety, in Italian translation and with an introduction by prof. Roberto de Mattei, is not just a historical document, but a surprisingly topical text, which the 2015 Synod on the family will have to take into account.
A synod which, speaking of the family, is silent on the natural law, ignores the primary purpose of marriage, spreads a veil of silence over sin and does not emphasize the value of chastity inside and outside marriage, is doomed to pastoral failure and the destruction of faith. and Catholic morality.
Roberto de Mattei he is professor of modern history and Christianity at the European University of Rome and president of the Lepanto Foundation.
Author: Roberto de Mattei
Edition year: 2015
Pages: 118
ISBN: 978-88-86387-11-8