The great debate of our time, according to Roberto de Mattei, is not of a political or economic nature, but of a cultural, moral and, ultimately, religious nature. It is a question of the conflict between two world views: that of those who believe in the existence of immutable principles and values, inscribed by God in the nature of man, and that of those who believe that nothing exists that is stable and permanent, but everything is relating to times, places, circumstances. However, if there are no absolute values and objective rights, the will to power of the individual and of groups becomes the only law of society and what Benedict XVI has defined as the "dictatorship of relativism" is constituted.
The denunciation of the relativist threat is the leitmotif of these pages, which collect writings and interventions by the author carried out between 2005 and 2007. The opposition to the dictatorship of relativism, which today is expressed through psychological terrorism and judicial repression, it passes through the rediscovery of that natural and divine law which constituted the foundation of the Christian Civilization, formed in the Middle Ages in Europe and from here spread throughout the world.
The thought which inspired this book is that of the traditional Magisterium of the Church, but also from the teaching of the great Catholic counter-revolutionary authors of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, of which the author is, in Italy, heir and continuator.
Author: Roberto de Mattei
Edition: Solfanelli
Edition year: 2007
Pages: 150
ISBN: 978-88-89756-26-3