To understand where the Church it is necessary to go back to the root of mistakes which over the years have penetrated the whole Mystical Body of Christ, from the top to the base. The rejection of these errors and the return, with God's help, to the Catholic Truth, integral and lived, is the necessary condition for the rebirth of the Church.
On the initiative of the Lepanto Foundation, a group of theologians, philosophers, historians and scholars, dedicated a study day to this topic with the title Vecchio and new modernism. Roots of the crisis in the Church.
During the conference, which took place in Rome on 23 June 2018, don Claude Barthe, the prof. Roberto de Mattei, the prof. Valerio Gigliotti, the Dr. Maria Guarini, father Albert Kallio o.p., the dr. John Lamont, the prof. Enrico Maria Radaelli, the prof. don Alberto Strumia, the prof. Giovanni Turco, the dr. José Antonio Ureta, they investigated the historical, philosophical, theological, epistemological and pastoral roots of the crisis and the remedies to overcome it.
This volume collects the proceedings of the study day, confirming how exact and profound was the analysis that was carried out.
Author: Roberto de Mattei
Edition year: 2020
Pages: 178
ISBN: 978-88-86387-19-4